DBMCI – The Best pg medical Institute in all over India

AIIMS PG (All India Institute of Medical Sciences Post-Graduate Entrance exam) is an online mode examination which is conted twice in a year for admission to different MD/MS courses offered under Clinical and Basic Clinical Sciences. AIIMS PG is a gateway examination for admission in Post Graduate Programs of prestigious AIIMS Institutes. AIIMS New Delhi is in charge of the arranging and execution of the AIIMS PG entrance examination. AIIMS PG is held twice every year, for January session and for July session. Computer based AIIMS PG Entrance examination consists of 200 Questions asked from the topics taught in MBBS. 


For the preparation of AIIMS PG you can choose DBMCI (Dr Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute) which is one of the best institutes in Delhi. DBMCI provides student with advanced study material and best infrastructure which help them achieve the goals of their life. Since 10 years, Dr Bhatia's students have emerged as toppers and genius in various exams like aiims pg, pg medical and neet-pg.NEET-PG is an eligibility-cum-ranking examination prescribed as the single entrance examination to various MD/MS and PG Diploma Courses as per Section (10) of Indian Medical Council Act 1956.

Aspirant's who are preparing for the medical PG entrance exam most of the time get caught in the hype of referring to every bit of data that is related with the medical PG. they often get themselves into wasting a lot time while experiencing a few books for each and every subject. Candidates also expect image based questions which are, generally, basic in nature. Hence, the students should study and understand each and every idea with the help of a picture. Also, understand that each exam is distinctive, so you require different technique for every exam.